These are some of the most stupidest book titles i have come across .
1) Men are from Mars and women are from Venus by John Gray ( 50 million)
Interesting but could someone please tell me who do they still manage to cross the planet barrier and have sex and have kids . And what planet would the kids be from ?
2)Who Moved my Cheese by Spencer Johnson ( 10 million copies sold )
Dude seriously you expect people to spend money on your book so they can figure out why the fuck is your cheese missing . Instead Why cant they go buy some more cheese from the supermarket which is much cheaper . Maybe i am wrong here but 10 million people did seem to be interested .
3)What colour is your parachute ? by Richard Bolles ( 10 million copies sold)
So now people need to be fashion conscious even while saving there llives ? Does it really matter if i get my ass saved from squishing if i am in a pink or blue parachute ?
4)Captain Underpants by Dave Pilkey (26 million copies sold )
Ok best part is this is a kids book . Is this what they mean by sex education at young age ? Or is the author giving lessons to kids on how to get into underpants ?
5)The no.1 Ladies Detective Agency by Alexander Smtih ( 15 million )
Seriosuly ? A ladies detective agency .. i mean seriously ? So do they like find out about missing earrings and stuff ?
Meuh. When you read stuff like "Oh look, mr period is back in town"
That's when you know our kids are gonna have a fucked up sex ed. :P
dude, cheat on your girlfriend the next time and you will see we can find out more than just missing ear rings.
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