Our awesome world was not so awesome until the recent awesome era came into its true awesomeness. Before this awesome era , our awesome world was deprived of awesome people and hence a cloud of not so awesomeness used to reduce the awesomosity of the awesome world. Hate to non awesomify the existence of those not so awesome people but the truth is that our world definately needed to get back in its awesomeness. And then came the awesome me . Suddenly under a fraction of awesomosity the world started to ge back its awesomeness. Why did the awesomeness start awesoming again you ask in an awesome manner ? Because the awesome miracle of the awesome birth of awesome me awesomified the awesomness of our awesome world. What is so awesomly awesome about my awesomeness is that the aura of awesomeness due to my awesomosity makes all the other awesome people feel more awesome so that they awesomify the awesomeness of other awesome people around them. This awesome phenomena of awesomeness is what has truly brought this awesome world to its epic awesomic awesomeness.
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