I guess most of you might have heard that engineering study life is hell . And believe me those are not rumours or exaggerations . Today was one the most tiring day of my life . Usually submissions during term ends can be exhausting but this one was a nerve wrecking .
I was in college from like 9 in morning till almost 7 without lunch , water , etc . Running around with files , completing assignments , new write ups and new assignments lol kept us busy all day . After coming home a few minutes back it feels like my head is the venue for a HIPPO Olympics .
Just to let you know how crazy things can get here is an example .
That’s the professor at the centre trying to correct files of everyone you can see in the picture. I really appreciate that man’s stamina and efforts . Trust me on this he signed over 200 assignments and write ups + ( 10 objective papers each of 82 students = 820 signatures ) . Just the way students put in lot of energy and hard work , i believe so do professors at times.
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