They are taking the hobbits to Eisenguard !!!! Stop them now !!!! .
This is the most bloody catchy tune i have ever heard and it is stuck in my head to the extent that my brain is already mentally preparing for a battle at eisenguard. Lol .
Technology ,the world and my life <(^^,)>
They are taking the hobbits to Eisenguard !!!! Stop them now !!!! .
This is the most bloody catchy tune i have ever heard and it is stuck in my head to the extent that my brain is already mentally preparing for a battle at eisenguard. Lol .
Posted by Kick Ass Dude at 8:48 PM 0 comments
Usually i prefer to keep myself away from hindi music . But i just came across a few old A R Rahman masterpieces which i am in love with . Most of you might be well aware with these songs.
Movie – Roja . Song – Ye haseen Waadiyan
Posted by Kick Ass Dude at 9:08 AM 0 comments
I am finally done with my system software and operating system orals .They were good and i’m expecting a good score. Although studying for 2 nights in a row without sleep was tiring i did come across one of the funniest illustration of my life.
Deadlock – A deadlock is a situation in which two computer programs sharing the same resource are effectively preventing each other from accessing the resource, resulting in both programs ceasing to function.
To understand this here is the most hilarious example of the century .
During olden ages there used to 5 witty philosophers whose only aim in life were to think and eat . Now one fine day they realised that they should eat spaghetti to increase their brains because spaghetti has proteins. Since these philosophers were rich filthy bastards with loads of table manners and shit ( who knows maybe they were British :P ) they were trained to eat with two forks only and they had to start by picking the fork with the left hand first . And without 2 forks they would not eat .
* I swear im not drunk , this is true !!!! . Google it :P *
So they proceed towards a dining hall with 5 bowls of spaghetti and 5 forks present. Each of them grabs a fork with the left hand and realises that there are no more left. Thus a deadlock occurs :P
*hhahahaahahahahahahahaahahahah ok i cant control laughing but its true !!! *
Solution : Keep a guard to allow only 4 people at a time so one fork is free to use. Now 3 people can stare while one finishes off his food . Thus although there is starvation for a while but everyone does get to eat in the end.
Or they could buy a new fork or maybe turn Indian and start eating without forks Lol .
------------------------ ABOVE is what the reference book says ---------------------------------
I find a major flaw in this logic .
1) If the philosophers are filthy rich bastards who refuse to eat without 2 forks . Why would they prefer a used fork after the first guy is done eating !
2) What if the guard is hungry too ?? Then making the 5th person stay outside is pointless.
Solution – Think Indian again . Get a maid who will clean the forks after use and since she doesn't have table manners like the pathetic rick freaks … she could just do eating with bare hands in case she gets hungry .
O_o thanks taurius1 for giving the idea to put in on a blog .. i know u were gonna do it .. but i coudnt resist !!!! Credits to this man too THE MAN
Posted by Kick Ass Dude at 9:13 AM 0 comments
I guess most of you might have heard that engineering study life is hell . And believe me those are not rumours or exaggerations . Today was one the most tiring day of my life . Usually submissions during term ends can be exhausting but this one was a nerve wrecking .
I was in college from like 9 in morning till almost 7 without lunch , water , etc . Running around with files , completing assignments , new write ups and new assignments lol kept us busy all day . After coming home a few minutes back it feels like my head is the venue for a HIPPO Olympics .
Just to let you know how crazy things can get here is an example .
That’s the professor at the centre trying to correct files of everyone you can see in the picture. I really appreciate that man’s stamina and efforts . Trust me on this he signed over 200 assignments and write ups + ( 10 objective papers each of 82 students = 820 signatures ) . Just the way students put in lot of energy and hard work , i believe so do professors at times.
Posted by Kick Ass Dude at 8:41 AM 0 comments
I simply simply love this song . Its a masterpiece of one of my fav comedians , Jack Black . Its a must watch !!!!!
Hell i know after listening to this u will definately wanna sing this . So here go the lyrics to sing along :P
There's a little place I know
Where a bunch of funky people live.
They were looking for a sacrifice
One that they had to give.
To King Kong.
Where did he go wrong?
King Kong.
That's why I wrote this song
King Kong.
They took him to a world
Where he don't belong.
Had to find a lady to give to Kong
To keep that chunky monkey tame.
He fell in love with Naomi Watts' character
I forget her name. Okay, I have to admit I didn't read the script
'Cause I find that it gets in the way.
Of my acting pro-cess which I've carefully honed
And also I don't know how to read.
King Kong
Pass the Grey Poupon
King Kong
Fighting the Viet Kong
King Kong
Everybody bang a gong
'Cause he don't belong."
[ the band slows down for a minute ]
Jack Black: Alright, this is where the song gets really personal, so listen up.
[ the band pop right back into action again ]
Jack Black: [ singing ]
"I show up to the set at a quarter to noon
And then I pretend to get a nasty cramp.
So I can go back to my sweet-ass trailer
And take myself a tasty nap.
Then the director dude come and pound on my door
And say, "Jack this has got to STOP!"
But then the next day I had my sweet revenge
By urinating in his coffee pot.
On the set of King Kong
Wears a massive thong
King Kong
He got it going on
King Kong
Jack Black wrote this song
So do yourself a favor
Please clap along
Everybody now
Clap with me
But do not sing
The singing's my job
You'll only mess up the song, trust me.
1, 2, 3 - King Kong!
Opening in Hong Kong
King Kong
He listens to Cheech and Chong
King Kong
This is his theme song
He's a crazy old gorilla
And he guarantee a thrilla'
And once you see the movie
You'll be feeling pretty groovy
And a rooby dooby da ba do ba ba bo oh
Posted by Kick Ass Dude at 8:49 AM 0 comments
I am loving this … it gets stuck in my head every time i see it .
Posted by Kick Ass Dude at 6:31 AM 0 comments
Aha ! Its here , the orange tenner note now has a friend , Mr sidekick the Tenner coin . Yup we now officially has a 10 rupee coin and i likes it coz its bi-metallic ! It kind of resembles the Italian Lire except that thing had a hole at the centre too which made it more cooler hehe.
If you get your hands on one of these , could you please gimme one … pretty pweeezzz ???
Re-edited On 16/4/2009 .
Aha again ! I have it now .
Posted by Kick Ass Dude at 9:34 AM 1 comments
I am happy , happy as hell . Firstly i complete six months today with my girl friend and my car is fixed .. FINALLY !!!
Its like it never happened … Pssst i am not a bad driver anymore .. Lets keep the accident a Secret shall we.. ?
Posted by Kick Ass Dude at 10:14 PM 1 comments
I appreciate the new youth all gearing up for elections by advertisements and campaigns like “ Jago Re” or Nuajavan Voting Campaign or something like that. Its a good thing that people are being motivated to vote.
Frankly speaking i am a bit inspired too but here is my problem or rather problems :
Top 5 reasons why i would not vote :
1) I see no candidates or parties with zero criminal cases or any court case pending against them.
2) Elections is the reason why my third year Mumbai university exams have been postponed by a month and the college is in utter chaos . This is bull shit since elections eitherways get over even before the new preponed date i.e 11th May.
3) Atleast in my life which has spanned 21 years till now , i havent seen a single candidate ever around whereever i have lived. All i see is hoardings no personal attention to localities.
4) Being a Mumbaikar , i know how much sloppiness is involved in the construction projects like flyovers and road diggings and sky walks . I fail to understand why the Malad – Kandivali western express highway jams every evening for the past 6-7 years. Its a 4 lane highway for godsakes ! But NO , the government needs to keep medlling around with some crap or the other to increase the traffic.
5) Frankly speaking i hate ignorant and illiterate people and i dont see how these candidates dont fall under those categories .
Posted by Kick Ass Dude at 9:22 PM 0 comments
1st April 2009 , a day when people would generally play pranks and the happiness and laughter would reign everywhere. This time though Nature played a serious twisted prank on Mumbaikars though. The temperature in the city soared as high as 40.6 degress celcius.
What causes discomfort is the heat coupled with humidity which Mumbai experiences because of being close to the sea, I came home from college at around 4 with a bulky bag and a heavy dot matrix printer on the other. I walked like a kilometre from college to the bus stop then took a bus and got home. The entire commuting took only like 25 minutes but the exhaustion from it far worse. I was damn close to getting knocked down by the heat.
I simply thank the inventor of the Air conditioners which have been a boon to us and curse the filthy electricity board which is gonna charge me like crazy at the end of the month. Heh .
So take care , use your sun screens and beat the heat with some ice cream ( chocolate flavoured if possible ) Hehe .
Posted by Kick Ass Dude at 8:39 PM 0 comments