The picture speaks for itself. Btw thats me in the shorts.
So its 9.50 am , a bright Monday morning is in progression and my college starts at 10. I am in the lift heading downstairs in my building and satan calls. Its Mihir and he has an accomplice this time evil Nupur.
Im dedicated to go attend college and these guys make a plan to go to mudh island and drag me there too. I dont remember how but with a series of events somehow i was tricked in getting to mudh island.
The day proceeds well , we go to a friend’s house and have a good lunch and then plan to go Aksa beach. Just on the curvy way , somewhere along the road there is a blind curve. I drive as usual just the realise its an inclined blind curve and just when i turn , i see a big red bus aka my crash bag or NOT ! The turn would have been perfect but nature decides to playa funny game and puts some dirt on the road and my car skids to bang right into the bus and the rest is history .
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